September 11, 2018

Cat Fight on a tight rope

Nicki & Cardi. and thee Barbz and Cardiz.   One performs and writes own songs, one performs and features various writers.  and the last group sits on the fence of judgement:)

We quickly forget Cardi is post-partum with first baby and new marriage. A lot to juggle without the urge to snap and lash out  Usually wrong target at first but a target nevertheless.  They have no reason to dislike each other.  Nicki has to deal with way more bardiz haters then Cardi barbz haters.   Nicki's rep for having beefed with the best in the business shows her consistency to her art. Cardi should feel honored to be in that group. Both are in good places in their careers and there's space for both and more. Both deserve a "me" get away, different locales of course;) 

 The result and resolution would be for Nicki to write Cardi a love song to perform and for Cardi to say thank you and for both to let "them" (fans) fight it out among themselves until they see the silly and  "knock it off" 

Okurrr and Purrr