Annie's Head: In The US News:
real tragedy of SBxlix is not about the alleged cheating but the
seemingly preferential treatment and protections given to the accused.
XLIX: Miss America clause --- in the event that reasonable doubt is
created to the extent of play interference against current Superbowl
Contender, said defender shall forfeit and surrender ring dreams. Unless
the Commission can fairly adjudicate and render a definitive decision
within 7 days from occurrence of said incident. This will automatically
trigger a "special" 3 way team playoff to include the defender of
defaulted game to play last 2 Conference teams for Super Bowl
Super Bowl XLIX Patchfixes:
- Bring back last 4 teams minus NE. One winner from 3-team playoff games meets SEA for SBXLIX. #everybodywins.
- SUPER BOWL XLIX cancelled. SEA remain 2-yr Champs!
SOH is AWOL #Rogue Strut through the house of cards
- Supreme Court (The FBI) rules on #Ferguson
- "America's Dad" Reckless promiscuous proclivities list grows And grows.
- Good people making Bad decisions.
- Smelllarosestone: Hope Solo or Solo HOPE
***The perils of social media strategists. No STFU for SOTU
The world would be a fairer place if everyone were allowed to challenge Bosses and keep jobs. #Activism, the New Congress.