Mr. Donald J. Trump, (Big D) ... May I call you Don?
Listen, No matter what you do next in your pursuit(s), know you did the damn thing by becoming King of the USA. Your place in history is cemented as a catalyst of Change. But here's the real basic thing. The Majority does not believe in your leadership for the Country. Plus, running businesses(sp) and leading a Nation of people are totally different jobs. And it's a lot of work where you get no thanks. You're too sensitive for that kind of stuff. What made President Obama a great leader was his passion for service. He volunteered for the job, you campaigned. (And yes I know you won) Very few will ever achieve what you did despite how it was done. But where to go next. I don't see you as the type of guy who will continue to take the abuse you must feel. You're not a boxer. But you are the best damn gambler I know. And you're an entertainer and funny. You have a beautiful wife and family (Barron's cool) Ivanka too, let her be great in fashion. Think about the toll on them.
Art of the deal is not a hereditary trait. YOU have the skill-set to win big games but NOT lead the USA. If you truly love the United States of America then do what is best for the country to move forward. As the savvy business genius you are realize that Resignation is still winning. Don't do a UsainB Don.
Art of the deal is not a hereditary trait. YOU have the skill-set to win big games but NOT lead the USA. If you truly love the United States of America then do what is best for the country to move forward. As the savvy business genius you are realize that Resignation is still winning. Don't do a UsainB Don.
P.s. I appreciate your simplicity in language. I don't agree with your take but you're very translatable across many languages and cultures.
Also thank you for the entertainment your Presidency has provided. Comedians will have material for years and finally some respect for what they do. How else would we have survived this train wreck?
With love -
With love -