June 18, 2018

Story of O.J.ob

Hopefully at this post everyone has done what one does to relieve high blood pressure courtesy of yeezy,  kanye west, ye or wrath of kan.

If only the Carters would have shown up or if radio play was a a more equitable vehicle for all musicians or if nobody ever really dies. Ironically he has claimed to be a God yet fumbles in his mortal expectations.

Who knew he was so sensitive or his fans and sensitive detractors who responded as if a loved one had betrayed them.

When you think about Kanye's career he seems to have a major asshole moment every 4-5 years.  The most recent was king that hurt and offended many of his most devoted fans.  In retrospect it was more about the unwarranted attack on one's "wokeness".

How dare he!, which he learned quickly in a similar fashion to the classic Story of Job.  despite his contribution to progressive living based on responses, it's actually everyone else not Kanye who are the actual Gods.