October 30, 2018


As we head
into the finale of  The Apprentice: vs The U.S., I have a couple more questions before I tap that button on November 6th.  Everyone should just circle back to 2014 to see where all went amok.

We learned that with right strategy and a gambler's spirit, anything can be purchased, especially land on he North America continent.  

We've learned that Black lives MatterJustice is arbitrary and it's very difficult to fire a President of the U.S.

The Russian component certainly added impact to one of best game played yet.  THEY (Russians)are the game Chess.  The President is Mr. Casino. and U.S., the House that lost.  Majorly, shamefully and certainly if only temporary.

The questions first is can I get paid for my contributions for at least this part of a reality show I've been forced into?

Have Pawns ever escaped a check or served a checkmate?

Are law students rethinking their career choice?

Who are the good guys of the Congress?  

To be continued...